Saturday, February 13, 2010


Let's see...Where to begin about my passion for books and stories. I suppose it started way back when with the Muppet Stories. I'm the first and oldest child in my family and as such my parents made sure to spoil and provide me with a lot. So when I was little, I had plenty to learn from. As a little girl, i fell in love with the Muppet Story series. If you're familiar with the Muppets from TV, this book series was about the Muppets as toddlers and children and each book had a lesson, along with the ones that were about ABCs and counting. There was one about honesty, starring Fozzy and Kermit, one about friendship and sharing starring Kermit and Piggy, and a whole string of others. As I got older, I went for the goosebumps series by R.L. Stine, then graduated to Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, and eventually to authors such as James Patterson, Carla Neggers, and the book, Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham. But my passion for being an author truly began in my freshmen year. I had been telling myself that I was going to write a book for almost 6 months and my motivation finally came when my 3rd period English teacher, Annie Scott, assigned the class to write a story. That's exactly what I did. I was about 6 chapters into the book I had Titled Give it All by the due date so I asked for an extension on it because the project had inspired me and id gotten a little carried away and there was no way I could completely wrap it up in just a couple of days. I'll never forget her response: "Of course. That's what I was going for. To inspire students to go on to do bigger and better things."

My interest in poetry and songwriting mostly began when I started realizing that life was hard, which was probably sometime around my fourth and sixth grade year. The love for music and rhyme was already present, all that was missing was putting it down on paper. It's my way of getting out what I'm feeling in an expressive and creative way whether it be anger, joy, depression, or just random emotions. I'm not very good with expressing those in a normal conversation format, so poetry and lyrics provide assistance where normal words fail.